Parametric Modeling with Autodesk Fusion

By Randy H. Shih

Parametric Modeling with Autodesk Fusion - Randy H. Shih
  • Release Date: 2024-04-03
  • Genre: Digital Media


• Designed specifically for beginners with no prior CAD experience
• Uses a hands-on, exercise-intensive, tutorial style approach
• Teaches you parametric and 3D modeling using Autodesk Fusion
• Features a dedicated chapter on 3D printing

Parametric Modeling with Autodesk Fusion contains a series of fourteen tutorial style lessons designed to introduce Autodesk Fusion, solid modeling and parametric modeling techniques and concepts. This book introduces Autodesk Fusion on a step-by-step basis, starting with constructing basic shapes, all the way through to the creation of assembly drawings and 3D printing your own designs.

This book takes a hands on, exercise intensive approach to all the important parametric modeling techniques and concepts. Each lesson introduces a new set of commands and concepts, building on previous lessons. The lessons guide you from constructing basic shapes to building intelligent solid models, assemblies and creating multi-view drawings.

This book also introduces you to the general principles of 3D printing including a brief history of 3D printing, the types of 3D printing technologies, commonly used filaments, and the basic procedure for printing a 3D model. 3D printing makes it easier than ever for anyone to start turning their designs into physical objects, and by the end of this book you will be ready to start printing out your own designs.

Spring 2024 Edition

Autodesk Fusion is an entirely cloud based CAD, CAM, and CAE platform that is constantly evolving. This edition of Parametric Modeling with Autodesk Fusion was written using Autodesk Fusion in March of 2024. Fusion is a stable product and all the major tools and features of Fusion used in this edition should continue to operate the same way for the foreseeable future.

Table of Contents

1.   Getting Started
2.   Parametric Modeling Fundamentals
3.   Constructive Solid Geometry Concepts
4.   Model History Tree
5.   Parametric Constraints Fundamentals
6.   Geometric Construction Tools
7.   Parent/Child Relationships and the BORN Technique
8.   Part Drawings and Associative Functionality
9.   Datum Features and Auxiliary Views
10. Introduction to 3D Printing
11. Symmetrical Features in Designs
12. Advanced 3D Construction Tools
13. Sheet Metal Designs
14. Assembly Modeling - Joint & Animation