Learn French: French for Kids. Bilingual Book in English and French: Monkey - Singe.
By Colin Hann

- Release Date: 2013-05-21
- Genre: French Language Studies
Basil, Rosemary and the Pansy sisters are lively, chatty little plants. They think they know some stuff, but when it comes to this animal, they know nothing. One wild assumption leads to another and gets them into big trouble.
This illustrated story has been designed for bilingual children and others wishing to read a dual language text in French and English. This book is divided into four sections. In the first part, for ease of understanding the two languages are displayed together mostly one or two sentences at a time. Showing the languages together helps compare words and common expressions easily. The second part, the French only version, allows intermediate students to test their understanding. The third part is in English only and lastly a mobile friendly bilingual English - French version. Reading this fun bilingual story will help you learn French.
Excerpt from the tale:
The Pansy sisters lived in a green flowerpot below an old oak tree. They shared the pot with Basil, Rosemary, and Monkey.
Les sœurs Pensées vivaient dans un pot de fleurs vert sous un vieux chêne. Elles partageaient le pot avec Basilic, Romarin et Singe.
Rosemary and the Pansy sisters liked picking on Basil. The sisters’ bright colours scared him and he wanted them to be quiet.
Romarin et les sœurs Pensées aimaient bien taquiner Basilic. Les couleurs vivent des deux sœurs lui faisaient peur et il aurait préféré qu'elles se taisent.
“Basil, you’re so daft!” said the sisters, “monkeys climb trees!”.
Monkey ignored them but he was different. Monkey was an animal.
“Basilic, ne fais fais l’imbécile !” dirent les sœurs, “les singes peuvent grimper aux arbres !”
Singe préférait les ignorer mais savait bien qu'il était différent. Singe était un animal.