
By Jack Ewing

Salesmanship - Jack Ewing
  • Release Date: 2012-10-23
  • Genre: Short Stories


Eleven-year-old Travis has learned to be glib in the process of selling his mother’s handmade products door-to-door to help contribute to his poverty-stricken family’s finances. Usually, the seventh-grader only works the immediate twenty-square-block low-rent neighborhood, where he has become a familiar and unwelcome figure hawking items of dubious quality to customers with little money to spare and less inclination to buy.One evening, Travis and his mom decide to try new territory. They drive across town to an upscale subdivision in an attempt to sell batches of freshly baked chocolate-chip cookies. In the course of the night, young salesman Travis discovers that rich folks have just as many sins to hide as poor people and, better still, that the wealthy are willing to pay to protect their secrets…A short story.