The Future of the Mind

By Michio Kaku

The Future of the Mind - Michio Kaku
  • Release Date: 2014-02-25
  • Genre: Life Sciences
Score: 4
From 208 Ratings


#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The renowned theoretical physicist and national bestselling author of The God Equation tackles the most fascinating and complex object in the known universe: the human brain.

“Compelling…Kaku thinks with great breadth, and the vistas he presents us are worth the trip.” —The New York Times Book Review

The Future of the Mind brings a topic that once belonged solely to the province of science fiction into a startling new reality. This scientific tour de force unveils the astonishing research being done in top laboratories around the world—all based on the latest advancements in neuroscience and physics—including recent experiments in telepathy, mind control, avatars, telekinesis, and recording memories and dreams. The Future of the Mind is an extraordinary, mind-boggling exploration of the frontiers of neuroscience. Dr. Kaku looks toward the day when we may achieve the ability to upload the human brain to a computer, neuron for neuron; project thoughts and emotions around the world on a brain-net; take a “smart pill” to enhance cognition; send our consciousness across the universe; and push the very limits of immortality.


  • Unimpressed and erroneous

    By Zoe43201
    As a neuroscientist, I found this book irritatingly oversimplified and misleading. I do not recommend this. The examples he gives are contrite and overused, and so surface level that some of the ideas he conveys are simply wrong. The part about stem cells, for example, was hard for me to even read. There are hundreds of other books on the brain that provide much more factual analysis and insight without being so hokey and misleading for the average reader. Clearly this man is NOT a biologist and should just stick with physics instead of trying to cherry pick brain facts to suit his own science fiction fantasies. Yes, I believe in many of the predictions he asserts about future brain tech, but his justifications for these are inaccurate and painful for any real biologist to read.
  • You will learn and think a lot from this book

    By Vatossan
    I don't read a lot, but this book got me in the first page from sampling it. I had to buy it, so don't miss this book. It's a must read
  • A captivating first half.

    By B.H. Vrux
    The first half is a skillful, fascinating translation of our current scientific understanding of the brain into an accessible text for the layman. The second half is a flawed attempt to imagine the future; driven by pointless conjecture and pop culture references instead of carefully thought out scientific predictions.
  • Future of the mind

    By Papalong2
    Great reading if you want to try and project ahead as much as you look behind. Fascinating stuff!
  • Future of the mind

    By Charlie foreman
    Well researched, just look at the Nobel winners acknowledged. Takes just about every discipline that studies the brain/ mind and brings you up to date. A great challenge given the explosion in interest, but meets or exceeds your expectations.
  • Must read

    By Taken12467890558458
    Find out what neurologist have learned. Have an open mind when reading this book.
  • The Future of the Mind

    By dlife1
    This view of consciousness is about as future as Descartes! It is sad to see a "scientist" locked into such a tight speciesist box that he has to justify human higher intelligence by designing criteria that only a human would find interesting. His discussion on brain anatomy carefully avoids discussion of other animals that have evolved brains with specialized parts that humans do not posses in order to justify a falsely concieved hierarchy. Skip it!
  • Probably going to be great

    By Me the master of your dreams
    Michio Kaku is a great writer. He is able to simplify the content for younger aged individuals. Knowing that, I have high expectations that this book is going to be as amazing as the others.