Spurgeon's Calvinism
By Charles Spurgeon

- Release Date: 2014-03-28
- Genre: Bible Studies
“What Stephen McCaskell has done for us in this book is to bring back the forgotten Spurgeon—the Spurgeon who speaks clearly about what the true gospel really is.”
Conrad Mbewe (PhD, University of Pretoria), pastor, Kabwata Baptist Church, Lusaka, Zambia; author, Foundations for the Flock
“We all have hills we’re willing to die on. For Charles Haddon Spurgeon, that hill was Calvinism. God’s sovereign work of salvation wasn’t a preference—it was a matter of life or death. It was the lifeblood of his ministry, and Spurgeon’s Calvinism puts this truth on display for all to see.”
Aaron Armstrong, author, Contend and Awaiting a Savior; blogger at www.BloggingTheologically.com
“The notion that embracing a high view of God, His word, and His gospel will lead to antinomian carelessness or a loss of evangelistic zeal can only be held disingenuously after acquainting oneself with Spurgeon’s Calvinism.”
Matthew Robinson, producer of Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically - www.MediaGratiae.org
“When preparing for battle a wise General studies the best intelligence before committing troops. Likewise, when it comes to understanding the theology of how God saves, a wise student of the Bible will take the time to see what C.H. Spurgeon said on the topic.”
Josh Williamson, evangelist, Josh Williamson Ministries - www.JoshWilliamson.org