The Kyriakos Virgin Bride

By Tessa Radley

The Kyriakos Virgin Bride - Tessa Radley
  • Release Date: 2007-09-01
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance


It was preordained that Greek billionaireZac Kyriakos would marry a womanpure of heart and body. His quest hadproved futile until he found shelteredheiress Pandora Armstrong whose youth,beauty and naiveté suited all his needs.

Zac's whirlwind courtship swept Pandoraoff her feet—but it wasn't until after theiramazing wedding night that she discoveredwhy Zac had wanted her so desperately. Now she was left to doubt her husband'strue feelings…and wonder if he wouldstill want his virgin bride when he foundout she hadn't been…