Sarah and the Sheriff

By Allison Leigh

Sarah and the Sheriff - Allison Leigh
  • Release Date: 2007-04-01
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance


The hometown hero returns…

And for Sarah Clay, that was the bad news—because Max Scalise had rejected her outrightseven years ago. And now Max was back in Weaver, working as a sheriff and everywhereshe turned. His slightest touch still caused her traitorous body to quake, but Sarah knew better.Didn''t she?

When it came to Sarah, Max was as much in lovewith her as ever. But he''d returned home to findthat eyes that had once gazed at him with suchtrust now turned away. Still, he was a wiser mannow…a man determined to win back her love. Evenif it meant telling secrets that weren''t his to reveal…