The Power of Prayer
By R. A. Torrey

- Release Date: 2015-01-09
- Genre: Christianity
Ye have not, because ye ask not (James 4:2).
I BRING YOU A MESSAGE FROM GOD contained in seven short words. Six of the seven words are monosyllables, and the remaining word has but two syllables and is one of the most familiar and most easily understood words in the English language. Yet there is so much in these seven short, simple words that they have transformed many a life and brought many an inefficient worker into a place of great power.
I spoke on these seven words some years ago at a Bible conference in central New York. Some months after the conference, I received a letter from the man who had presided at the conference, one of the best-known ministers of the gospel in America. He wrote me, “I have been unable to get away from the seven words on which you spoke at Lake Keuka, they have been with me day and night. They have transformed my ideas, transformed my methods, transformed my ministry.” The man who wrote those words has since been the pastor of what is probably the most widely known of any evangelical church in the world. I trust that the words may sink into some of your hearts today as they did into his on that occasion and that some of you will be able to say in future months and years, “I have been unable to get away from those seven words, they nave seen with me day and night. They have transformed my ideas, transformed my methods, transformed my life, and transformed my service for God.”