Star-Crossed Parents

By C.J. Carmichael

Star-Crossed Parents - C.J. Carmichael
  • Release Date: 2007-07-01
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance


Few people can say they're starring in a real-life versionof Romeo and Juliet. And single mom Leigh certainlydoesn't want to play the role of disapproving mother.But when her daughter runs off to New Hampshire for a boy she's met over the Internet, it's a discomfitingreminder of Leigh's own past.—

The problem is Sam Wallace, the boy's father, and hisridiculous notion that love conquers all. Worse still isthat Sam could be a pretty darn good (not to mentionattractive) distraction for Leigh. But how can Leighthink about herself when her daughter is about to makethe worst mistake of her life?