Vikram and the Vampire (Annotated)
By Sir Richard Francis Burton

- Release Date: 2015-12-22
- Genre: Fairy Tales, Myths & Fables
Vetala Panchavimshati, is a collection of tales and legends within a frame story, from India. It was first written in Sanskrit.
One of its oldest recensions is found in the 12th Book of the Kathasaritsagara ("Ocean of the Streams of Story"), a work in Sanskrit compiled in the 11th century by Somadeva, but based on yet older materials, now lost. This recension comprises in fact twenty four tales, the frame narrative itself being the twenty fifth. The two other major recensions in Sanskrit are those by Śivadāsa and Jambhaladatta.
This work has also been illustrated and annotated, with additional information about the book and its author, including an overview, plot, adaptations, editions, biographical and bibliographical information.