The Diary of a Young Girl (ESL/EFL Version with Audio)
By Qiliang Feng & Anne Frank

- Release Date: 2015-12-26
- Genre: History
This is Book 12, Collection III, of the Million-Word Reading Project (MWRP) readers. It is suitable for learners with a basic vocabulary of 1,500 words.
Million-Word Reading Project (MWRP) is a reading project for ESL/EFL learners at the elementary level (with a basic vocabulary of 1,500 words). In two years, for about fifteen minutes each day, an ESL/EFL learner can read one million words, and reach the upper-intermediate level, gaining a vocabulary of about 3,500 words and a large number of expressions.
[Text Information]
Readability | 76.28
Total word count | 61028
Words beyond 1500 | 3656
Unknown word percentage (%) | 5.99
Unknown headword occurrence | 2.69
Unknown words that occur 5 times or more | 202
Unknown words that occur 2 times or more | 699
This book is rewritten from “The Diary of a Young Girl” by Anne Frank.
“The Diary of a Young Girl” is a book of the writings from the Dutch language diary kept by Anne Frank while she was in hiding for two years with her family during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.
Anne Frank received a blank diary as one of her presents on June 12, 1942, her 13th birthday. She began to write in it on June 14, 1942, two days later. On July 5, 1942, Anne’s elder sister Margot received a call-up notice to report to a Nazi work camp in Germany, and on July 6, Margot and Anne went into hiding with their father Otto and mother Edith. They remained hidden for two years and one month.
They were betrayed in August 1944. As a result, they were arrested and sent to Nazi concentration camps. Of the eight people, only Otto Frank survived the war. Anne died when she was 15 years old in Bergen-Belsen.
The diary was discovered on the floor of the hiding place after the family’s arrest. The diary has since been published in more than 60 different languages. The book is included in several lists of the top books of the 20th century.