Imputed Righteousness
By Charles H. Spurgeon, Horatius Bonar, John Calvin, Charles Hodge, Ebenezer Erskine, Thomas Brooks & J. C. Ryle

- Release Date: 2016-09-30
- Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Our righteousness is not in ourselves but in our substitute, Christ Jesus, Who gave Himself for us. In this issue of the Free Grace Broadcaster, Charles Spurgeon first defines imputed righteousness. Horatius Bonar provides a biblical examination and description of God's way of reckoning righteousness to those who believe. In the third article, John Calvin explains that we must look outside ourselves for the righteousness that God accepts. Charles Hodge gives a detailed study of the imputation of Christ's righteousness, defining the terms, proving the doctrine and examining apostolic arguments. Ebenezer Erksine follows with a brief overview of Adam's fall in the Garden and Christ's deliverance by obtaining righteousness for His people. In his second article, Bonar considers some objections to the doctrine of Christ's substitutionary work and imputed righteousness. Thomas Brooks gives us reasons for comfort, joy, and exuberant worship flowing from the imputation of Christ's righteousness to believers. Lastly, J. C. Ryle gives us some penetrating questions and answers for all to consider in the light of Christ's return.