The Quimby Manuscripts
By Phineas Parkhurst Quimby

- Release Date: 2017-06-15
- Genre: Spirituality
This spectacular edition of P. P. Quimby's writings unites his entire body of work on New Thought, Mesmerism, and the process of mental and physical Spirit Healing.
Edited by Horatio W. Dresser, an acquaintance and receiver of Quimby's healing, this book unites and organizes the writings. Distinct chapters focus upon his practice of mesmerism, Quimby's own restoration to health after sickness, and the religious manifestations of God in the world. Organized and faithfully reproduced, the words and ideas of Quimby shine as an original - if controversial - philosophy.
Much of the book sees Quimby explain how he arrived at his belief that God is in everything. These ideas, which are today central to the New Thought movement, are detailed at length by the author. Phineas also raises concepts such as love being the most powerful ability the human spirit can attain and express. We also learn how the senses themselves are distinct from the human mind and spirit, and of connections between religious figures such as Jesus Christ and the tenets of New Thought.
P. P. Quimby was a great believer in the power of the human subconscious, which he believed could be controlled and mastered to beneficent ends and enormous insight. Numerous examples are cited here; the imperceptible affect that humans have upon one another; the words and concepts that surface during hypnosis; and the deep-seated emotions and spiritual yearnings are but small glimpses of the subconscious.
A renowned writer and researcher, Phineas Parkhurst Quimby spent his life teaching others the discoveries he had made. Born poor and a sufferer of tuberculosis, it was only when the medicine proscribed to the young Quimby succeeded only in giving him cavities that his curiously into healing began. He found that exciting experiences, such as riding on horseback, were beneficial - it was this knowledge that led him to explore alternate means of healing.
Towards the conclusion of the book, we include photographs of handwritten letters by Quimby, together with descriptions of their contents.