Degrees of Separation
By Sharon Lee & Steve Miller

- Release Date: 2018-01-15
- Genre: Paranormal Romance
Life. Luck. Love. Lowport.
Life, so the wags tell us, is what happens while we're making other plans.
Luck. . .or, as some have it, chance. . .Luck is what makes Life interesting; introducing spicy bits of chaos – good, bad, and neutral. Without Luck, there is no savor – no adventure – in Life.
Love. Ah, Love. The yeast of Life, Love expands our horizons, deepens our understanding, and opens our eyes. Love makes us daring.
And Lowport? Lowport tries and tests Life, and Luck. And, most especially, Love.
So here is small tale of Lives in progress, plans made and altered – and altered again. A tale of bread, and Luck, and Love . . .
. . . and Lowport.
We start with two people – a baker, Don Eyr; Serana, a captain of the Watch. Two people who have not much in common, until Luck brings them together, and they see each other.
What, you say? There are no adventures here?
Are you certain? Remember that Luck is involved.
Degrees of Separation: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 27
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"Degrees of Separation" is a perfect gem, both alone and with "Block Party" as a sequel. Once again, Lee and Miller show themselves able to create intriguing new characters, as well as interesting clues to enlighten the re-reads of the earlier books and new ones. (Who knew the depths of subtlety a qe'andra might employ within the Code? ) Read fast or savored in a second or fourth reading, it's a modest but sustaining masterpiece, like Don Eyr's breads and pastries.
--Elizabeth Moon, author of Into the Fire