9 Steps to Perfecting a Better You: Practice Skills Meet Spiritual Principles
By Micklyn J. Lightbourne

- Release Date: 2012-05-10
- Genre: Self-Improvement
Micklyn Lightbourne is passionate, dedicated and committed to seeing individuals get to where God has predestined them to go in their lives, hence he was motivated to write this book to encourage and help to focus the minds and hearts of individuals reminding them that time is too precious to waste, and if they have not wasted time already hopefully they will never have a desire to waste time in the future. Where you are now, is where you and I should be, there are a lot of individuals who should be further along in their lives in terms of accomplishments. He is one of them and thats why he was moving at record speed to make the most of the time he has left and encourages us all to do the same; He call it Spirit Time Acceleration. In April of 2011 Mr. Lightbourne resigned from his job as the most prestigious Butler in The Bahamas at a five star world class resort. He was on top of his A game winning the highest honor in the hospitality industry but he was also at the crossroads of life and the decision was which direction should he take now? Should he ride the wave of fame or should he move on to the next chapter of his life? He and his wife made the decision to start their very own hospitality business. Since making such a decision God has been opening doors they never thought were even there to be opened. God has brought out some gifts in me I never knew existed but all this happened when I found out the truth, the truth of knowing I was placed here with and for a purpose said Mr. Lightbourne. We can begin pursuing our purpose right now and if we need guidance, by reading this book we will get there. The writing of this book could no longer be prolonged because its intension is to help others put their lives in prospective. We have wasted a lot of Gods time and its time to redeem it. This book was written with the intention to convict people to hold themselves accountable and responsible for their own actions and short comings. To show how we can better our lives through daily soft skills and life skills practices and become productive leaders in our families, the work place, schools, the community and at church. We would never have to blame others for our short comings again. Once any individual comes to the realization that they are accountable for their own actions they would begin to see life differently. We have allowed time to overtake us and it has left us so far behind that we are now battling to get our lives where it should have been years ago. This book is centered around, getting the individual back to the foundation of their lives, to see themselves in control of their own destiny while fighting off the biggest enemy trying to stop them which is themselves, we must get out of our own way. Our Heavenly Father wants us to take our rightful positions on the earth and be good contributors and stewards. If we cant be good stewards over ourselves how can we be stewards over this awesome Earth. In the book of (Romans 8:22-24) (NIV) it reads We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we are saved. We have this awesome responsibility to take dominion over the earth but first things first, these nine steps to perfect a better you is an awesome start, we have to bring back the stepping stones of how to set and accomplish goals for our lives, have the right attitudes, maintain standards, be professionals, make right decisions, get along with each other, communicate, resolve conflicts and make the most of our time. I challenge you to allow this book to help transform your life through the application process because knowledge without application is useless. Mastering these steps would bring out the qualities that were lying dormant ins