Writing makes the woman: Excerpts from selected texts and contributions
By Stanislas Kazal

- Release Date: 2018-11-10
- Genre: Fiction & Literature
Compendium means an abstract or summary, in the form of a compilation, of a corpus of knowledge in a given field. If some women have been great writers and have been pushed to genius by the eloquence of the heart, the delicacy of the mind, the wisdom of judgment, the art of grouping the entire world around them, the literary history has often been reserved to only a small portion. We, Corinne Tisserand -Simon and I had after this observation, the desire to give read extracts that testify to the fact that literature is not built solely from the male point of view. It is time to say that women's writing is not an epiphenomenon in literary history to pave the way for a reading that would take into account the obstacles, the compromises, the weight of forms and norms with which women fought, flayed, censored to pass as they could then, under a speech sometimes too agreed, too suitable, under masks, denial or forbidden, a woman's writing.