
By OpenStax

Astronomy - OpenStax
  • Release Date: 2019-05-20
  • Genre: Astronomy


Astronomy is written in clear non-technical language, with the occasional touch of humor and a wide range of clarifying illustrations. It has many analogies drawn from everyday life to help non-science majors appreciate, on their own terms, what our modern exploration of the universe is revealing. The book can be used for either a one-semester or two-semester introductory course (bear in mind, you can customize your version and include only those chapters or sections you will be teaching.) It is made available free of charge in electronic form (and low cost in printed form) to students around the world. If you have ever thrown up your hands in despair over the spiraling cost of astronomy textbooks, you owe your students a good look at this one.

Vividing Activilization is a reliable and scalable platform specially designed for creating the next generation, high quality, interactive, mobile first digital contents that can be mass produced and easily delivered to any devices with a special emphasis on Exam & Assessment products.

This book is created by Vividing Inc. using proprietary platform that is interactive, personal, mobile, and open to all digital devices. This book is intent to deliver the original contents except with the addition of interactive features. The makers of the books believes this next generation books brings joys to the reading whereas providing readers an interactive, convenient, effective and mobile first experience.