Bible Studies For Life: Student Leader Guide NIV
By Jeff Belcher & Morgan Hawk

- Release Date: 2019-05-01
- Genre: Christianity
The Bible Studies for Life: Students Leader Guide gives leaders clear direction and support in leading a group of students through each session. ?
The fall 2019 study focuses on:
Simplicity: Finding Contentment in a Busy Life (Unit 1): We live in a world where innovation is at an all-time high. It seems that every week a newer version of something you just purchased is on the market. It’s bigger and better and it fuels a feeling of discontentment. How can we live with simplicity in a world that forever tempts us to be discontent with what we have and to fill our lives with more? Thankfully, the Bible has a lot to say about contentment. In these six sessions, we will discover biblical principles for simplicity and contentment—and it begins with a focus on Christ. By the end of this unit, we will all be able to say with the apostle Paul, “In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being content—whether well fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need. I am able to do all things through him who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:12-13).
How to Know God’s Will (Unit 2): Everybody wants to live well, but what does that look like? And how do we get there? If I choose Door #1, how do I know Door #2 wouldn’t have been the better choice? What if we make a mistake? Without knowing the future, it is often difficult to know which is the best decision. Thankfully, He knows the future. He knows the best way for us to experience abundant life in Christ—and He wants us to know it too! God doesn’t hide His will or make it difficult to find. It is readily available to those who want to know and follow Him. In this study, we will examine what Scripture reveals about how to know God’s will. When we learn to follow it, we will experience the abundant life God desires for us.
Thirteen sessions: Two units (Living By Faith: Women Who Trusted Godand Living a Godly Life in an Ungodly World).
Bible Studies for Life gives leaders three engage options to begin the session. These include optional group activities or visual illustrations to introduce the central point each week.
All questions are numbered in order to help leaders guide their students as they follow along in their Daily Discipleship Guides. Each session is built around one central point with strong visual and a conversational tone.
Each session provides commentary aimed at helping leaders better understand the Bible passages they are teaching.
Free online leader training for each session that helps equip and walk leaders through features, highlights, and options that are helpful in each session.
Bible Studies for Life: Students can be ordered in multiple translations to suit your ministry context (CSB, ESV, NIV, KJV).
Great for Sunday school classes, home groups, table groups, or any small group format.
Bible Studies for Life is a series of curriculum for all ages, babies through adults, designed to connect God’s Word to our lives in an intentional way.