The Architecture Tour 2018

By Bruce Mackenzie

The  Architecture  Tour 2018 - Bruce Mackenzie
  • Release Date: 2019-10-01
  • Genre: Art & Architecture


The Architecture Tour 2018 travelled by plane, rail, ferry and mainly, by bus with thirty seven passengers accommodated on these various facilities. The members of the tour group were currently or originally engaged in the profession of architecture or were involved in the subjects of design, art, heritage and the values that well-considered architectural practice contributes to the quality of our environments. Bruce Mackenzie has a long history of practice in landscape architecture. Our tour leaders were Malcolm Carver (Scott Carver-retired) and Jim Webber (a retired Planner). The background texts have been taken from the tour's descriptions of our travels and as appropriate, of the designers involved in the many examples of architectural excellence. Further comment by the writer and extracts from the internet have been added where appropriate. Also of importance is the added pilgrimage seeking out the many examples of Jørn Utzon's work over time and the valued celebrations of his projects by others, inspired as well by his creation of the Sydney Opera House in 1973.