Electron–Phonon Interaction and Lattice Dynamics in High Tc Superconductors
By Han Zhang

- Release Date: 2020-02-13
- Genre: Physics
Understanding the mechanism of the high-temperature superconductors has been a very important topic in condensed matter physics. Researchers have been trying to explain the role of electron–phonon interaction (EPI) in cuprates. Some important properties of the cuprates could not be explained by conventional BCS theory. This book contains the experimental and theoretical studies on the EPI. The experimental part covers the results of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), isotopic effect, elastic neutron scattering study of electron–phonon, lattice role and so on. The theoretical part covers the electron–phonon, polaron and bipolaron, effect of lattice, fine structure in the tunnelling spectra of electron-doped cuprates, identification of the bulk pairing symmetry in high-temperature superconductors.
Students and researchers interested in high-temperature superconductors, especially the EPI in cuprates will find this title very useful.
Contents:Reviews:Colloquium: Electron–Lattice Interaction and Its Impact on High-Tc Superconductivity (V Z Kresin and S A Wolf)Through a Lattice Darkly: Shedding Light on Electron–Phonon Coupling in the High-Tc Cuprates (D R Garcia and A Lanzara)Electron–Phonon Coupling Effects Explored by Inelastic Neutron Scattering (L Pintschovius)Phonon Anomalies and Dynamic Stripes (D Reznik)Isotopic Effect:Oxygen Isotope Effect in Cuprates Results from Polaron-Induced Superconductivity (S Weyeneth and K A Müller)Oxygen Isotope Effect on the Effective Mass of Carriers from Magnetic Measurements on La2-xSrxCuo4 (Guo-Meng Zhao, K K Singh, A P B Sinha and D E Morris)Isotope Effects and Possible Pairing Mechanism in Optimally Doped Cuprate Superconductors (Guo-Meng Zhao, Vidula Kirtikar and Donald E Morris)Isotopic Fingerprint of Electron–Phonon Coupling in High-Tc Cuprates (H Iwasawa, J F Douglas, K Sato, T Masui, Y Yoshida, Z Sun, H Eisaki, H Bando, A Ino, M Arita, K Shimada, H Namatame, M Taniguchi, S Tajima, S Uchida, T Saitoh, D S Dessau and Y Aiura)Kink Structure in the Electronic Dispersion of High-Tc Superconductors from the Electron–Phonon Interaction (Shigeru Koikegami and Yoshihiro Aiura)Polaron and Bipolaron:Theory of High-Temperature Superconductivity in Doped Polar Insulators (A S Alexandrov)High-Temperature Superconductivity: The Explanation (A S Alexandrov)Polaronic Effect and Its Impact on Tc for Novel Layered Superconducting Systems (V Z Kresin)Other Evidences:Fine Structure in the Tunneling Spectra of Electron-Doped Cuprates: No Coupling to the Magnetic Resonance Mode (G M Zhao)Identification of the Bulk Pairing Symmetry in High-Temperature Superconductors: Evidence for an Extended s Wave with Eight Line Nodes (G M Zhao)Effect of Lattice:Block Model and Origin of Strong Anisotropy in High-Tc Superconductors (H Zhang)
Readership: For graduate student and researchers on High Tc Superconductors.High Tc Superconductors;Electron–Phonon Interaction;Lattice Dynamics0Key Features:Advanced technologyFirst bookHigh quality content