General Joe

By Alexa Riley

General Joe - Alexa Riley
  • Release Date: 2020-04-22
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
Score: 4
From 192 Ratings


Kayla may have pulled on the tiger's tail one too many times. She's been in love with Joe her whole life, and when he leaves for the military she has the bright idea to send him dirty letters and pictures the whole time. When he comes back from his time away, he makes it clear he's coming for her. But has she gone too far?

Joe has been teased by Kayla for years and it's about time she made good on her filthy words. He's been counting down the days until he can make her his…and now the wait is over. She's going to admit to him and herself that this is what's right. No matter their age difference or their time apart.

Warning: He's a great American hero coming home to claim his reward. Don't worry…it's the dirty happily ever after we know you want!


  • The Wild Child Gets Her Man

    By Lnn20122
    Kayla is a wild child. The daughter of the Chief of police. She has been in love with Joe her whole life. While he is deployed she sends him letters and photos that are more naughty than nice. When he returns home she runs from him. Joe is relentless in his pursuit of Kayla. He knows she can run but she can’t hide. When she is caught sparks fly. This is a short hot romance read. If you are looking for something to give you a nice quick escape from today’s reality, this is your book. So grab a nice beverage and curl up to with this book. You won’t be sorry.
  • Not good

    By 6776762798181
    Too short, not really a story. Not worth the money to be honest
  • Some Bunny Special

    By Doingthisforcoinsssssdzzzzz
    Kayla, “Bunny”, has loved Joe for a long time. After he leaves without a word one Christmas and gets stationed overseas, she begins a campaign to tease him. She sends care packages and letters detailing her every fantasy every day. And then Joe’s back. And looking for her. And she’s hiding. This was a truly fun read!
  • Too short

    By Davisla1
    Could have been much better had it been an actual book as opposed to a novella. Bounced around too much and had too many epilogues. Could have honored the characters and stories by extending it. Disappointed.
  • Best Chase Ever

    By Book Snob Sue
    Who doesn’t like a good game of chase? Especially when your chaser is a sexy as sin GI Joe look-a-like you’ve been crushing on for years, and have been sending naughty letters to. So….I ask again, who doesn’t like a good game of chase. We saw this chase start in Bookstore Barbie and couldn’t wait to see what happened with these two and all their shenanigans. And by their shenanigans, I mean hers, she cracks me up. This book was just as good as I thought it was going to be, seriously these two *fans self* This was a safe read. With a fun and naughty chase, an ornery love sick handful and her GI Joe look-a-like chaser. These two had so much heat, of course I think the chase ramps it up. The catch is worth it *wags eyebrows*. Epilogues plural, ton of baby batter and an hea.