Law for Criminologists : A Practical Guide
By Brent Davies

- Release Date: 2008-11-13
- Genre: Social Science
Book launch pictures available here!'This book is a triumph in its clarity, scholarship and sheer scope. It is increasingly vital that criminologists understand crime and the criminal justice system in depth, and Ursula Smartt unmasks the mysteries and lays bare the complexities of law like few other writers on the subject. This is the book on criminal law that should be on the shelf of everyone connected to the criminal law' - Baroness Helena Kennedy QC 'Law for Criminologists is a timely and concise introduction for those in criminology and law. Combining accessibility and scholarship, it will be welcomed by students and lecturers alike' - Dr Azrini Wahidin, Reader and Programme Director for Criminology, Queen's University Belfast 'Highly informative, comprehensive and reader-friendly - this groundbreaking book is essential reading for all who are engaged in the study of criminology' - Peter Joyce, Manchester Metropolitan University This practical guide introduces students to the basic principles of the law, enabling a comprehensive understanding of criminology and criminal justice.Law for Criminologists will enthuse the student and teacher about the law whilst giving sound advice on how to achieve a thorough comprehension of the topic. Striking a much-needed balance between essential law for criminologists, and commentary on current legal issues, this book provides the reader with a full understanding of: the workings of the law in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland the European Union legal frameworks the law of evidence and the criminal process punishment and sentencing human rights issues the differences between youth justice and adult criminal legislation how to undertake independent legal research and further reading in the discipline.Packed with extensive learning aids including case studies, boxed notes, sample examination questions, appendices of statutes and cases and a comprehensive glossary, this book is vital for all students in criminology and criminal justice. As well as an extensive foreword by Baroness Helena Kennedy QC. Ursula Smartt by (author); Smartt, Ursula True; 29.99 AU;AT;BE;CA;DK;FI;FR;DE;GR;IE;IT;LU;MT;NL;NO;PT;ES;SE;CH;GB;US; Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only; 01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021; TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE; FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE; 53;45;45;51;42;45;45;45;45;45;45;45;45;45;48;45;45;50;48;40;40; AUD;EUR;EUR;CAD;DKK;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;NOK;EUR;EUR;SEK;CHF;GBP;USD BOOK 9781446243701 eng Leadership and Change Management SAGE Publications SAGE Publications Ltd 13 May 2009 288 KJD False; Electronic Inspection Copy available for instructors hereRecognizing and responding to change is the oxygen of life for an organization, and leadership is fundamentally about focusing organizations on these new realities. Leadership and Change Management provides the reader with a practical, real-world understanding of several dimensions of leadership that are usually neglected in management textbooks, such as the nature of new realities and how managers can improve their insight into them, and how leaders can identify and overcome resistance to change. Drawing on a wide range of insightful, global real-life case studies to capture the imagination, the topics covered include critical systems thinking, philosophies of leadership, group dynamics, authority, ethics, personal character and the psychology of leadership. This comprehensive text will be of interest to anyone looking for a more thoughtful engagement with the key issues in leadership and change management. Annabel Beerel by (author); Beerel, Annabel True; 41.99 AU;AT;BE;CA;DK;FI;FR;DE;GR;IE;IT;LU;MT;NL;NO;PT;ES;SE;CH;GB;US; Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only; 01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021; TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE; FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE; 62;59;59;60;53;59;59;59;59;59;59;59;59;59;62;59;59;64;64;52;53; AUD;EUR;EUR;CAD;DKK;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;NOK;EUR;EUR;SEK;CHF;GBP;USD BOOK 9781446243718 eng Leadership and Learning SAGE Publications SAGE Publications Ltd 04 March 2011 264 JNK False; Bringing together internationally recognised scholars this book focuses on the relationship between leadership and learning for the education community. It draws together a wealth of knowledge and research in the field across a variety of contexts, such as system leadership, professional learning communities and leading different cultures. Themes covered include: - exploring models for leadership and improvement- challenges in developing learning-focused leadership- broadening ideas of learning and knowledge work.This book will be of interest to educational leaders at all levels and in all sectors, as well as consultants, academics and those who wish to extend their knowledge in educational leadership whether engaging in further academic study or in reflective practice around the ideas presented. This book is essential for anyone taking advanced programmes in educational leadership and management. Jan Robertson by (author); Robertson, Jan True; 29.99 AU;AT;BE;CA;DK;FI;FR;DE;GR;IE;IT;LU;MT;NL;NO;PT;ES;SE;CH;GB;US; Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only; 01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021; TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE; FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE; 53;45;45;51;42;45;45;45;45;45;45;45;45;45;48;45;45;50;48;40;40; AUD;EUR;EUR;CAD;DKK;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;NOK;EUR;EUR;SEK;CHF;GBP;USD BOOK 9781446243725 eng Leading and Managing Extended Schools : Ensuring Every Child Matters SAGE Publications SAGE Publications Ltd 16 February 2009 Education Leadership for Social Justice 176 JNK False; This is a stimulating and well-researched book that will interest anyone who cares about how our schools should evolve' - Matters Arising 'What are schools for? What happens when school walls come tumbling down, and school and community become inextricably linked, offering a range of extended provision to young people and opportunities for lifelong learning to adults? How would you lead such a school? David Middlewood and Richard Parker draw upon their personal and researched experience, to explore school leadership within a community which has an extended school at its heart. This is an engaging and purposeful book for researchers and practitioners alike' - Professor Ann Briggs, Newcastle University, Chair of BELMAS This book shows leaders of all types of schools how to become effective in extended schooling and fulfil 'Every Child Matters' (ECM) requirements, by building on and adapting their current practices. The authors explain the context of Extended Schools, in the UK and elsewhere, and outline the features of effectiveness in schools and their leaders. The authors provide practical advice using case studies from a range of settings which show what can be achieved across a wide variety of contexts. 'Points to consider' give advice to readers at all levels, covering staffing and resourcing, as well as the creation and development of successful partnerships in the community.This book is an essential resource for leaders beginning in extended schools, and leaders already working in extended schools across nursery, primary and secondary settings. It is also relevant to governors, inspectors and advisers and leaders studying masters and doctorate courses in Leadership and Education Policy. David Middlewood by (author); Middlewood, David True; 32.99 AU;AT;BE;CA;DK;FI;FR;DE;GR;IE;IT;LU;MT;NL;NO;PT;ES;SE;CH;GB;US; Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only;Digital Only; 01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021;01/01/2021; TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;TRUE; FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE; 55;49;49;53;45;49;49;49;49;49;49;49;49;49;52;49;49;54;52;43;44; AUD;EUR;EUR;CAD;DKK;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;EUR;NOK;EUR;EUR;SEK;CHF;GBP;USD BOOK 9781446243749 eng Leading the Strategically Focused School : Success and Sustainability SAGE Publications SAGE Publications Ltd 06 April 2011 192 JNK False; Drawing upon Brent Davies's extensive experience in presenting nationally and internationally to school leaders, this book distils the collective wisdom from educationalists across the globe. Updated with new international examples and references and a significant new chapter on developing strategic talent in schools, the book has been described as a 'must read' for existing and aspiring school leaders.The book focuses on: establishing processes for building whole school involvement strategic approaches to build capacity in your school building and sustaining strategic leadership throughout the school developing strategic talent in schools characteristics of strategically focused schoolsThis book is an indispensable read for school leaders who want to focus on bringing sustainable improvement to their school. Dr Brent Davies is Professor of Leadership Development at the University of Hull.