Prevent Teach Reinforce for Young Children
By Glen Dunlap

- Release Date: 2022-02-25
- Genre: Education
The premier Tier 3 intervention for the Pyramid Model, Prevent‐Teach‐Reinforce for Young Children (PTR‐YC) is a research‐proven, family‐centered approach used in preschool settings nationwide to resolve persistent challenging behaviors. Now this bestselling PTR‐YC guidebook is in a thoughtfully revised second edition, with enhancements and additions informed by user feedback, the authors' training experiences, and new studies on the effectiveness of the model.
Developed by top behavior experts, this practical, reader‐friendly guidebook fully introduces the five steps of the PTR‐YC model: 1) teaming and goal setting; 2) data collection; 3) functional behavioral assessment; 4) development and implementation of a behavior intervention plan; and 5) using data, arranging for generalization, and next steps. You'll get instructions for conducting all five steps, case examples from real‐world experience, and the tools and assessment instruments you need to implement the steps effectively.
Ideal for use in a wide range of early childhood settings—including preschools, Head Start, and child care programs—this accessible guide will help you strengthen every young child's social‐emotional skills and address even the toughest behavior challenges.
• New chapter on classroom‐wide procedures that help prevent challenging behavior
• New chapter on interim solutions to extreme challenging behavior
• Updates and revisions throughout based on feedback from users over the last 8 years
• New evidence of the effectiveness of PTR‐YC, demonstrated by a recent randomized controlled trial and single case experimental analyses
• More on ensuring fidelity and sustainability, increasing the chances for long‐term positive outcomes
• Updated downloadable materials now online: checklists, rating scales, case examples, and a classroom practices assessment
See more resources on supporting children's social-emotional competence with the Pyramid Model.