A Short Social Media Glossary

By Juliette Powell

A Short Social Media Glossary - Juliette Powell
  • Release Date: 2010-05-15
  • Genre: Business & Personal Finance


This Element is an excerpt from 33 Million People in the Room: How to Create, Influence, and Run a Successful Business with Social Networking (9780137154357) by Juliette Powell. Available in print and digital formats.
All the social networking terminology every businessperson and marketer needs to knowódefined in plain, practical English.
The concept of a social network goes back long before the Internet was ever invented. It refers to a community in which individuals are somehow connectedóthrough friendship, values, working relationships, ideas. Nowadays, the term also refers to a Web platform where people can connect with one another. Here are a few words in the growing vocabulary of social networking to help you get started....