Winnie the Pooh: Tails, Tricks, and Traps

By Lisa Ann Marsoli

Winnie the Pooh: Tails, Tricks, and Traps - Lisa Ann Marsoli
  • Release Date: 2011-06-21
  • Genre: Fiction for Kids
Score: 4
From 45 Ratings


A retelling of the new Pooh theatrical release, this storybook has Pooh and his friends looking for a proper tail for Eeyore, since his is missing, and then rescuing Christopher Robin from a mysterious creature called the Backson. It's all in a day's fun!


  • Where's the rest of the story?

    By photoNoodle
    Tigger and Eeyore are doing something and the next page is Christopher Robin and Pooh walking away with no text. What happened to the rest of the story?