Peter Rabbit - Read Aloud Edition

By Beatrix Potter

Peter Rabbit - Read Aloud Edition - Beatrix Potter
  • Release Date: 2011-10-10
  • Genre: Animal Fiction for Young Adults
Score: 4
From 1,251 Ratings


Your pre-schooler will delight at the beautifully restored images and charming Read-Aloud narration of this classic.  

From the Series Preface:

When I was three years old my mother told me I had to start calling her Mrs. Stack.  That year Mrs. Stack, formerly Mom, became my pre-school teacher every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday morning.  My mother taught pre-school for forty-six years. I was in her class for two years.

I grew up with thousands of children’s books.  Late every summer Mom would drive to the public library and return with boxes and boxes of children’s books;  new books, classic books, dumb books, dumbo books, Suess books, non-suess books, picture books, fairy tales, soft books, inflatable books, miniature books, strange books. For years I wondered why everyone else was only able to withdraw five books at a time, when Mom was taking home books by the station wagon.  And not returning them until Spring.

Every night, without fail, after spending all day with dozens of three and four year olds my mother would read to me with the joy and enthusiasm of a new mother to her only child, at least until I was five and was introduced to the concept of sisters.  In the first four years of my life I’m quite sure that she read me at least a thousand different books.

Among my favorites were Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit books. They were little books, easy to hold, the perfect size for my little hands. The pictures were soothing, quiet, and happy.

But there was just enough adventure for young rabbits and little boys. Mr. McGregor and others provided ample dramatic tension, but not so much as to trouble my sleep.
So I am delighted to be able to publish these digital versions of Beatrix Potter’s stories for another generation. I am also delighted to have been lucky enough to have Emma Fielding read them. The minute I heard her voice for the first time as narrator in one of her excellent audiobooks, I was certain that it was as close as possible to listening to Ms. Potter herself read the stories.

The other thing I learned that first day in pre-school was where the bunnies that lived with us each summer had been spending the school year. Their names? Flopsy and Mopsy.

At the end of this Sideways Play Book™ is a list of current and forthcoming titles and an opportunity for you to provide me with feedback. Digital publishing presents a unique opportunity for authors and publishers to interact with readers. So please, please tell me what you and your children liked about this book and what we can improve. Thanks and


Charles Stack 
Publisher Sideways, Inc.
September, 2011


  • Obeydience

    By Lionofgod_15
    Hi! My name is Zoë Dempsey! And I want to talk about Peter Rabbits' obedience and behavior. First off, Peters' mother told him not to go to Mr.McGregors garden, and with that being said, he went anyway. The cause of him eating so much was the fact that he got sick. After that, he lost all of his clothes, got lost, & getting caught by McGregor. He disobeyed his mother because he thought he was going to get away with it. See, that's where a lot of children get wrong. As me being 13 years old, I should know how it feels to be punished like that! And I do! I thought I could get away with escaping my bedroom that I shared with my sister, Aria, by both of us being grounded to our room. We were grounded for to our room for the rest of the day! So by escaping, we went to her bedroom window! Once we went back to the window to get back in the room, like 30 seconds later, my mom and dad were standing on the other side of the window staring at us and nodding their heads! We got in huge trouble! But that is where god comes in. He is like our parent and we are like his children. When we disobey, he punishes us greatly! What we need to do as his children, we have to make up for what we did. It's all cause and effect! The cause of Peter Rabbit dishonoring and disobeying his mother let him to the effect, which is getting sick and getting in trouble. Thank you for reading my Review! :)! God bless you!
  • Glitch free

    By Sing from the heart.
    The author did a fine job in putting together a good book. It is well read and plays even better.
  • Need a refund!

    By holein1scott
    All the pictures are covered by a black box. Would like a refund!
  • Great!

    By TedwardJ868
    Have grown up with these stories and have always loved them.
  • S

    By JJ0804
    I Like It
  • Magical

    By Hharps
    Well done! Loved the narration.
  • Love it!

    By ScienceNerd33
    Great, clear reading voice. Manual or auto page turn. Color of words change as the words are read. Love the images. Classic story.
  • Awesome

    By Lilyhhhh
  • A classic

    By Rad-Awesome
    You can not get tired of the classics. I have read this story to my son several times over and now I got the digital version for my daughter. Needless to say she loves it.
  • Hygghhj

    By Bdbbm