The Moonstone

By Wilkie Collins

The Moonstone - Wilkie Collins
  • Release Date: 2012-06-11
  • Genre: Fiction & Literature
Score: 4.5
From 364 Ratings


The Moonstone (1868) by Wilkie Collins is a 19th-century British epistolary novel, generally considered The Moonstone (1868) by Wilkie Collins is a 19th-century British epistolary novel, generally considered the first detective novel in the English language. The story was originally serialised in Charles Dickens' magazine All the Year Round. The Moonstone and The Woman in White are considered Wilkie Collins' best novels. Besides creating many of the ground rules of the detective novel, The Moonstone also reflected Collins' enlightened social attitudes in his treatment of the servants in the novel. Collins adapted The Moonstone for the stage in 1877, but the production was performed for only two months.


  • Cumbersome

    By Mr. Scrooge Mcduck
    My patience was tried reading this book and it is clear that impulsive readers should look elsewhere. Maybe a classic but not a timeless classic. A good story inside a long novel.
  • 很一般

    By HowlettZhang
    幕后黑手作案动机比较合理,但是放在最后揭秘显得比较唐突。 犯罪过程和方法既玄学又狗血,毫无说服力。喝了鸦片酊能治失眠我还能理解,竟然还能让人梦游自动去偷东西,这也太玄学了!赶巧还遇到个正缺钱的黑手。 本来看的原版,实在是太啰嗦了,一大堆无聊的环境描写和内心戏,绝对是在注水。还好这个简版比较紧凑。 推荐给考古人士,不然还是不要看了,因为水平还不如现在的网络小说。
  • 19 century England story

    By rossandbeth
    A simple tale of a lost stone, and it’s eventual journey home.
  • Uniquely written adventure mystery

    By Tolsod
    Thoroughly enjoyed the book. The story is told in a fashion of notes and remembrances from different persons of interest. I found it to be superior to most mystery books.
  • Good book

    By Lord of LTL
    The book was long, but mostly interesting. I came across this book as result of a trivia question. It is considered by many as the first detective novel.
  • Moonstone

    By Miss me and have an egg
    I am witnessing my 67th spring and glad that I have read this book courtesy iTunes The author has weaved the story beautifully and culminated the end appropriately like the holy confluence of three rivers the moonstones at its right place after nearly eight centuries,witnessing war peace and whatnot. Thanks to the author taking me back to nineteenth century with such clarity that events seem real. Great Writing. Heartfelt reading.
  • A masterpiece indeed!

    By czh012
    Drugs, romance, Rashomon POVs, English humor, suspense...this classic has all the ingredients.
  • The Moonstone

    By Chava47
    This book goes on and on and on in a way which modern readers will have little patience for. The mystery of the disappearance of the great yellow diamond is interesting enough, but it is told through the eyes of many narrators, each adding his or her own personality and eccentricities to the tale. I found myself skipping huge sections just to try to further the action a bit more rapidly. I have read The Woman in White, also by Collins, and don't remember that it was quite so turgid. I don't know if I will be able to face any more of his prose in the near future.