Alien Hybrids in Ancient Times

By M.E. Brines

Alien Hybrids in Ancient Times - M.E. Brines
  • Release Date: 2011-11-01
  • Genre: Spirituality
Score: 3
From 10 Ratings


Demon-human half-breeds in the Bible and their plan for YOUR future. How do science-fiction movies, Childhood’s End, Atlantis, Noah’s Flood, the Epic of Gilgamesh, esoteric Nazism, and the (New Age) Secret Doctrine and the Book of Thessalonians demonstrate the timing of the Apocalypse? What do Merlin, Mohammed, Joseph Smith and Arthur C. Clarke have to do with it? Why do aliens abduct and rape human women? Is it really because of the lost fertility of an extraterrestrial race? Protect yourself from the deception of the millennium! A must-read for Christians, occultists and UFO enthusiasts alike.