The anatomy of Exchange-Alley: or, a system of stock-jobbing. Proving that scandalous trade, as it is now carry'd on, to be knavish in its private practice, and treason in its publick: ... By a jobber.
By Daniel Defoe

- Release Date: 1719-01-01
- Genre: Fiction & Literature
The anatomy of Exchange-Alley: or, a system of stock-jobbing. Proving that scandalous trade, as it is now carry'd on, to be knavish in its private practice, and treason in its publick: ... By a jobber., Daniel Defoe. The anatomy of Exchange-Alley: or, a system of stock-jobbing. Proving that scandalous trade, as it is now carry'd on, to be knavish in its private practice, and treason in its publick: ... By a jobber. Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731. The second edition corrected. [2],64p. ; 8⁰. London : printed for E. Smith, 1719. A jobber = Daniel Defoe. Reproduction of original from the British Library. Moore, 414 English Short Title Catalog, ESTCT69697. Electronic data. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Thomson Gale, 2003. Page image (PNG). Digitized image of the microfilm version produced in Woodbridge, CT by Research Publications, 1982-2002 (later known as Primary Source Microfilm, an imprint of the Gale Group).