Adolescents A To Z

By Tiffany Field

Adolescents A To Z - Tiffany Field
  • Release Date: 2011-10-12
  • Genre: Reference


In the book Adolescents A to Z, Tiffany Field has reviewed recent research on adolescence issues from A to Z. Parents often feel the need to consult a reference book regarding problems their adolescents are experiencing. Although encyclopedia-like books have been written on adolescents medical problems, those do not include behavior problems. Books that cover behavior problems are not organized in alphabetical order but rather, the problems are imbedded in different age sections or in general discussions, forcing the parent to read all the material to find the specific problem. Most discussions of adolescents problems, even by well-known authors, are largely based on anecdotal material and clinical experience rather than research data. The volume Adolescents A to Z solves both of these problems. It is not only organized alphabetically for the readers easy access, but its entries are based on current research data. Some anecdotal material is used for interest value, but the content is drawn from literature searches.