How God Became King

By N. T. Wright

How God Became King - N. T. Wright
  • Release Date: 2012-03-13
  • Genre: Christianity
Score: 4.5
From 46 Ratings


Foundational: The four gospels come directly fromthe ancient church and are among the primary sourcesfor the church's teachings.

Familiar: Since Christian worship services began, areading from the gospels has played a central role.

Studied: For over two hundred years scholars havechallenged and defended the central claims of thegospels: miracles, historical accuracy, the divinity ofJesus, and more.

But Forgotten: Still, leading Bible scholar N. T.Wright reveals shocking news: We have all forgottenwhat the four gospels are about.

"Despite centuries of intense and heavy industryexpended on the study of all sorts of features of thegospels," Wright writes, "we have often managed tomiss the main thing that they, all four of them, aremost eager to tell us. What we need is not just a bitof fine-tuning, an adjustment here and there. We needa fundamental rethink about what the gospels aretrying to tell us."

What Wright offers is an opportunity to confront thesepowerful texts afresh, as if we are encountering themfor the first time. How God Became King reveals thesurprising, unexpected, and shocking news of thegospels: this is the story of a new king, a new kind ofking, a king who has changed everything, and a kingwho invites us to be part of his new world.


  • How God Became King

    By John Sokolowski
    Thank you, you have given me a new way of understanding Jesus and His Kingdom here on earth.
  • An eye-opener!

    By JJTinWPB
    This book really made me see that I have spent little time seeing Jesus as the reigning King. We hear songs like "The King is Coming" and think that his kingship is in the future when it is already established. I definitely see a neglect in my life of a study of the gospels and will task myself with reading them anew in their entirety. I highly recommend this book that makes you think!
  • How God Became King

    By Philpampen
    Hard for me to follow, probably need to read again.
  • Enjoyed Wright's interaction with the creeds

    By jasonholtgrewe
    I enjoyed especially Wright's interaction with the ancient creeds.
  • Not Just an Intellectual Exercise

    By Tom in Houston
    This small book by Tom Wright is certainly worth the investment of dollars and time to read and understand. Be warned: Reading it, one takes on the Yoke of the Kingdom. The challenge then becomes keeping it "easy" and "light". Walking by faith in lock step with the Spirit is the challenge for all, new and old. The book is NOT just an intellectual exercise; it is a manifesto. Or should be. Again, be warned. Tom lays out the outlines of where he (under the authoritative rubrics of The Text) has been headed for years, explains the problem(s), elucidates the key Texts which generate his premise, and points us in the direction(s) The Kingdom is coming to actuality today on Planet Earth. It does raise as many questions as it answers... which is a good thing. It does not say everything can and needs to be said (admittedly), but it outlines the proper ideas concerning The Kingdom in Jesus' words and deeds. And... St. Paul's too! It explains much that is implicit in the how and whys found in St. Paul's (and the others) words and action in The Acts of the Apostles, and those writings we have theirs in the Canon. It seems to me, that beyond itself and it's own substantive content and message, this book is laying out necessary markers for Tom's next "Big Book" on St. Paul due out the Summer of 2013. Tom Kushman St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands