Trusted Computing - Challenges and Applications
By Peter Lipp, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi & Klaus-Michael Koch

- Release Date: 2008-08-15
- Genre: Computers
This volume contains papers presented at TRUST 2008, the ?rst international conference on Trusted Computing and Trust in Information Technologies, held in March 2008 in Villach, Austria. The aim of the conference was to create a joint scienti?c and networking platform covering the core issues of trust in IT systems and trusted computing and to bridge the gaps between international research groups and projects in closely related ?elds. The organizers received 43 submissions from 17 countries. Each of the s- mittedpaperswasreviewedbythreereviewers.Basedonthesereviews13papers were selected as suitable for the conference and the authors were asked to p- sent their work. Further, six renowned speakers from academia, industry and the European Commission were invited for keynotes. The accepted papers are published in this volume together with one paper from Paul England, one of the invited speakers at TRUST 2008. TheconferencewassupportedbytheEuropeanCommissionviatheOpen-TC project (FP6 IST-027635), by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and by the city of Villach.