International Symposium on Fundamentals of Software Engineering
By Farhad Arbab & Marjan Sirjani

- Release Date: 2007-10-04
- Genre: Software
The present volume contains the post-proceedings of the second IPM Inter- tional Symposium on Fundamentals of Software Engineering (FSEN), Tehran, Iran, April 17–19, 2007. This event, FSEN 2007, was organized by the School of Computer Science at the Institute for Studies in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) in Iran, in cooperation with the ACM SIGSOFT and IFIP WG 2.2, and was additionally supported by the University of Tehran, Sharif University of Te- nology,andtheInternationalScienti?cMeetingsO?ce(ISMO).Thissymposium brought together researchers and practitioners working on di?erent aspects of formal methods in software engineering. FSEN 2007 covered many aspects of formal methods, especially those related to advancing the application of formal methods in the software industry and promoting their integrationwith practical engineering techniques. A truly international programcommittee of top researchersfrom 23 di?erent academic institutes in 9 countries selected the technical content of this sym- sium. We received a total of 73 submissions, out of which the PC selected 22 as regular papers and 8 as short papers to be published in the post-proceedings, and 6 papers accepted for poster presentations at the symposium. Each subm- sion was reviewed by at least 3 independent referees, for its quality, originality, contribution, clarity of presentation, and its relevance to the symposium topics. We had 93 registered participants at the symposium from 12 countries.