Innovations in Defence Support Systems -3
By Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu, Junzo Watada & Lakhmi Jain

- Release Date: 2009-07-07
- Genre: Mathematics
Intelligent systems and technologies are increasing finding their ways in our daily lives. This book presents a sample of recent research results from key researchers. The contributions include:
Introduction to Intelligent systems
A Fuzzy Density Analysis of Subgroups by means of DNA Oligonucleotides
Evolution of Cooperating Classification Rules with an Archiving Strategy to Underpin Collaboration
Designing Agents with Dynamic Capability
Localized versus Locality Preserving Representation Methods in Face Recognition Tasks
Invariance Properties of Recurrent Neural Networks
Solving Bioinformatics Problems by Soft Computing Techniques
Transforming an Interactive Expert Code into a Statefull Service and a Multicoreenabled System
Ro-WordNet with Paradigmatic Morphology and Subjectivity Mark-up
Special Cases of Relative Object Qualification using the AMONG Operator
Effective Speaker Tracking Strategies for Multi-party Human-Computer Dialogue
The Fuzzy Interpolative Control for Passive Greenhouses
GPS safety system for airplanes
3D Collaborative Interfaces for E-learning
Open Projects in Contemporary E-Learning
Software Platform for Archaeological Patrimony Inventory and Management
The book is directed to the graduate students, researchers, professors and the practitioner of intelligent systems.