The New Psychology
By Charles F. Haanel

- Release Date: 2006-02-26
- Genre: Self-Improvement
In the way that only Haanel can do, Haanel defines man’s place in the Universe and reveals his latent powers with a vividness that reminds the reader of a lightening flash.
After you read The New Psychology, you’ll see everything a little differently…
The supreme charm of The New Psychology is the practical character of its teachings — the clarity and simplicity of its expression. Unlike many works that attempt to present psychical truths, it is not a tangled skein of disconnected thoughts, but an orderly, logical, and well-reasoned system. The New Psychology — with a synthesis of philosophy, science, metaphysics, and religion — defines man’s place in the universe and reveals his latent powers with a vividness that reminds the reader of a lightening flash.
The seeker for truth will find in its pages the keys to the treasure house of the world’s wisdom.
About The New Psychology
The New Psychology is quite different from Haanel’s other works. In The New Psychology, Haanel expands on the ideas and theories behind mental science and offers to you many examples and proofs that bolster the claims made.
While this work is almost one hundred years old, everything holds true to this day. I attempted to footnote things as extensively as possible. I am certain that when Haanel wrote this book, the people he mentioned were more than likely household names. James J. Hill, while almost unheard of today, was pretty much the “Bill Gates” of his time. I hope my footnotes help put things in perspective for you.
The New Psychology is a must for anyone who wants to understand the mental science. It is also a must for anyone who wants to thoroughly understand Haanel and his beliefs. Through his words, we can get a clearer picture of him — as a thinker, explorer, and perhaps even a visionary.
Here are just a few things that you will learn as you read Charles F. Haanel’s The New Psychology…
The Psychology of Success
The man with the money consciousness is constantly attracting money. The man with the poverty consciousness is constantly attracting poverty. Both fulfill the exact conditions — by thought, word, and deed – that make the path for the thing of which they are conscious, come to them. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Job said, “The thing I greatly feared has come upon me.” In modern psychological language, it might better have been stated this way: “The thing I was greatly conscious of came upon me.” Consciousness, or thought and faith, are mental wires by which the thing we are conscious of finds its way to us.
The Law of Abundance
Abundance is a natural law of the universe. The evidence of this law is conclusive; we see it on every hand. Everywhere nature is lavish, wasteful, extravagant. Nowhere is economy observed in any created thing. The millions and millions of trees and flowers and plants and animals and the vast scheme of reproduction where the process of creating and re-creating is forever going on, all indicate the lavishness with which nature has made provision for man. That there is an abundance for everyone is evident; but that many seem to have been separated from this supply is also evident; they have not yet come into realization of the universality of all substance and that mind is the active principle which starts causes in motion whereby we are related to the things we desire.
The Master Mind
“Great men or masters stand like solitary towers in the Eternal City. And secret passages running deep beneath external nature give their thoughts intercourse with high Intelligence, which strengthens and controls them. And of which the laborers on the surface do not even dream.”
The Master Mind is within your body and soul, yet interpenetrating both. It is the Grand Man – the God Man – of each of us. It is the same in all human beings