By Maurizio Bossi, Mark Twain, Trollope, Stendhal, Mary Shelley, John Ruskin, Morgan, Theodor Mommsen, Le Corbusier, Henry James, William Hazlitt, Edmond de Goncourt, Sigmund Freud, MIles Eustace, Dumas, Charles Dickens, Cooper & Hans Christian Andersen

- Release Date: 2011-09-27
- Genre: Art & Architecture
Firenze nelle descrizioni degli intellettuali che più l'hanno amata / Florence described by the writers most fond of her. Nelle parole di / In the words of Andersen, Cooper, Dickens, Dumas, Eustace, Freud, Goncourt, Hazlitt, James, Le Corbusier, Mommsen, Morgan, Ruskin, Shelley, Stendhal, Trollope e Twain.