Hints on Horsemanship, to a Nephew and Niece
By George Greenwood

- Release Date: 1875-01-01
- Genre: Fiction for Young Adults
Throughout Europe there is only one style of ridiug taught; that is, the soldiers one-handed style. Tvm hands should he used to the reins. A soldiers horse must turn on the wrong rein, Common riders generally turn their horses outhe wrong rein. Result of this with colts or restive horses. Indications are not aids. When you wish to turn to the right pull the right rem stronger than the left. This is common sense. The common error is precisely the reverse. The common error is, when you wish to turn to the right to pass the hand to the right. By this the right rein is slackened, and the left rein is tightened, across the horses neck, and the horse is required to turn to the right when the left rein is pulled.