Recovery From Co-Dependency
By Laurie Weiss

- Release Date: 2001-06-11
- Genre: Psychology
Recovery From Co-dependency:
It's Never Too Late To Reclaim Your Childhood
by Laurie Weiss and Jonathan B. Weiss
This book may be used as a map for therapists and Adult Children on the road to recovery from Co-Dependency. Developmental issues are addressed, patterns of substitute behavior are identified and a treatment plan to meet the needs of the Inner Child is created.
Adult Children are in the position of trying to manage their adult lives on the basis of decisions made by mistreated children. Sometimes the pain of carrying out these life-repressing decisions becomes so overwhelming that they try to self-medicate it. The resulting addictive or compulsive substitute behaviors, which represent a denial of what their Inner Child really needs, typically make the situation even more unmanageable. Even though Co-Dependents are usually unaware of the source of their own dysfunctional patterns, they recognize that their lives aren't working and come for help.
In therapy Co-dependents can gain permission, information and modeling in order to learn what is naturally learned by children who grow up in healthy families. Through this corrective parenting the Inner Child can be healed.