God's Sovereignty In the Salvation of Men
By Jonathan Edwards

- Release Date: 2012-09-12
- Genre: Christianity
God exercises his sovereignty in the eternal salvation of men.
He not only is sovereign, and has a sovereign right to dispose and order in that affair; and he not only might proceed in a sovereign way, if he would, and nobody could charge him with exceeding his right; but he actually does so; he exercises the right which he has. In the following discourse, I propose to show,
I. What is God's sovereignty.
II. What God's sovereignty in the salvation of men implies.
III. That God actually doth exercise his sovereignty in this matter.
IV. The reasons for this exercise.
1. Introduction
2. What is God's Sovereignty
3. What God's Sovereignty in the Salvation of Men Implies
4. God Does Actually Exercise His Sovereignty in Men's Salvation
5. Why God Does Thus Exercise His Sovereignty in the Eternal Salvation of the Children of Men
6. Application
7. Other Books
Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) was a Congregational minister of New England (now USA), a friend of such men as George Whitefield and Ebenezer and Ralph Erskine. The writings he left to posterity show something of the enormous spiritual stature of this scholar and preacher of the Gospel.