The Adventures of Sammy and Alistair: Sidecar
By Paul Caro

- Release Date: 2012-09-20
- Genre: Religious Fiction
If God challenged you right now to be obedient and love your enemy, could you follow through?
Welcome to "The Adventures of Sammy and Alistair: Sidecar".
"Paul Caro uses vivid word pictures to draw you in. As I read I felt like I was part of the story; feeling, seeing & journeying every moment with each character. With great anticipation I await the next book in the series.+
Natalie C.
"I read a lot of the books they offer for free and have paid for quite a few, the story of Sammy and Alistair is the only one I was actually emotionally involved with. Actually can't wait for my nephew to get old enough to read it with him and have him understand."
Toshiko R.
"Sidecar" is the first in a series of Christian short stories based on Samuel Rittenberg Tanner, a rich black man living in the outskirts of Atlanta during the racially tense early 1960's, and his teenage nephew, Alistair.
What's supposed to be an hour long road trip to the city turns into a three day adventure when they take an unexpected detour and encounter a shocking discovery: a beaten, bloodied white body. Will Sammy and Alistair ignore it for their own safety, or will they do the right thing and test their faith in God?
"I highly recommend this book to anyone who needs a reminder on how God can use us to do his work regardless of whether we like it or not."
Gracie A
"Paul's well-written, fascinating take on this Biblical story of unconditional love and acceptance, of helping your brother in need despite all of society's prohibitions and prejudices is an inspiring lesson to us all."
Ruth D.J.
"I had a quick connection with the characters and can't wait to see what their next adventures hold. I purchased the download as a gift for a few friends and we have enjoyed talking about Sammy and Alistair and their sidecar adventures as well as the subtle connection to the story of the Good Samaritan."
Jenn L.
Buying "Sidecar" also gives you the opportunity to live out the lessons learned by Sammy and Alistair in this book. All proceeds from the first 100 copies sold and 10 percent of every copy after that will go to the homeless feeding ministry at First Christian Church in Suisun City, California.
If you enjoy Christian-based adventure stories AND want to donate to charity, "Sidecar" is for you! Visit Paul Caro's blog,, to learn more about the author.