Cambridge Latin Course (4th Ed) Unit 1 Stage 1

By University of Cambridge School Classics Project

Cambridge Latin Course (4th Ed) Unit 1 Stage 1 - University of Cambridge School Classics Project
  • Release Date: 2012-10-24
  • Genre: Other Language
Score: 4.5
From 43 Ratings


Brings Latin to life!
Cambridge Latin Course Unit 1 Stage 1 includes Model Sentences, Latin story, and information about the language and cultural background, plus an exciting range of multimedia activities designed to support teaching and learning Latin:
introductory videos;
audio dramatizations of all stories and Model Sentences;
interactive activities.


  • Metella non in horto est!?!?!?!

    By Jman120503
    I read this book and upon reading of grumio’s great escapades have transcended past a mortal form. I now live in the cosmos, traveling as a disembodied spirit seeking grumio’s guidance.
  • Greatness.

    By SwaggyJonny
    This is single-handedly the greatest book I have ever read in my entire life. Reading these stories give me a sense of friendship, for I truly feel like I am friends with these characters. Despite having a lonely life, these Latin characters offer some of my best friendships. I look forward to reading these compelling stories everyday.
  • Grumio est coquus.

    By StarBurstLink
    Deus meum! Caecillius in horto non est!
  • So far the best way to learn an older language.

    By Bobbyji13
    I got interest in learning latin after reading Seneca. This course is just like how one learns a language naturally by listening and looking at visuals. The iBooks here are great. The book has audio for the short stories and sample sentences. Also they introduce grammar gradually. Some purists would rather one starts on Wheelock's but remember when you were in school how grammar was really boring and you needed to memorize all the rules? Grammar here is learned by reading the examples and you pick it up as you go along. I am already up to Stage 5 of Unit 1. One more point, English is 60 percent latin based. So learning latin is rather easy.
  • Ok.

    By Mpatt89
    This is a good introductory course book, perhaps for a high school Latin class. The multimedia interface is engaging to be sure, but I feel over all that Wheelock does a much better and more thorough job of explaining terminology, building vocabulary, and teaching the subtleties and nuances of an inflected language.
  • very good

    By JohnnyTheA
    Its starts slw which is good. They did good job integrating audio, video, interactive, as well as text components together. Too bad the only have the first two units....