The Hidden Power
By Thomas Troward

- Release Date: 2012-10-29
- Genre: Spirituality
The Hidden Power is the spark of life within each of us that is one with Universal Spirit. When we realize this, then as centers of thought and action in harmony with Universal Mind we are no longer bound by former action performed from the standpoint of ignorance. We recognize ourselves as an expression of the Infinite within an Individual Personality and able to expand our consciousness to our own infinite and inexhaustible possibilities.
"But Spirit in the Infinite is the Creative Power of the universe, and the impact of our thought upon it thus sets in motion a veritable creative force."—Thomas Troward.
The material comprised in this volume was selected from unpublished manuscripts and magazine articles by Judge Troward upon his death in 1916. When originally published it was thought to be the last book that would be published under his name and what remained was not significant enough to publish. However, later one last book would be published from comments in his bible on the Psalms.
Table of Contents: I. The Hidden Power. II. The Perversion of Truth. III. The “I Am.” IV. Affirmative Power. V. Submission. VI. Completeness. VII. The Principle of Guidance. VIII. Desire as the Motive Power. IX. Touching Lightly. X. Present Truth. XI. Yourself. XII. Religious Opinions. XIII. A Lesson from Browning. XIV. The Spirit of Opulence. XV. Beauty. XVI. Separation and Unity. XVII. Externalisation. XVIII. Entering Into the Spirit of It. XIX. The Bible and the New Thought. XX. Jachin and Boaz. XXI. Hephzibah. XXII. Mind and Hand.