Candide's Two Girlfriends
By David Bruce

- Release Date: 2012-10-22
- Genre: Erotica
For Adults Only. No violence. Some humor. Explicit sex. Male fantasy.
Chapter 1: Betty and Vicky Meet Candide.
Times were tough, economically and politically and socially, and Betty and Vicky were on the streets, and not by choice. Why would two women be on the streets if they had another, warmer place—with food—to be. Still, they had each other. What they had previously had was bad boyfriends, bad friends, and bad bars. But they were problem-solvers, and they were prepared to solve their problems the way that many women in their circumstances do: by starting a small business in public relations, also known as prostitution.
Walking toward them was a man they knew by sight, someone who had lived in the area for many years, someone who was single and sometimes thought to be gay, someone who had a job, and someone who did not have a bad reputation, perhaps caused by having little reputation at all, due to a quiet and gentle and shy nature. If he wasn’t gay, he might be willing to sleep with one of both of them—for money, of course.
Before he reached them, another woman—much older than Betty and Vicky—approached him and begged: “Sir, I have three kids to feed. Can you help us?” The man shrugged, then reached into a pocket and pulled out some paper money. He hesitated and then gave her a $20 bill. This was a lot of money to her, and she was happy to get it, but she asked, “Can you please give more, sir?” She thought, I usually have to beg much harder than this to get even $1. Most people give nothing. Of course, most people can afford to give only a little or nothing. He gave me a lot, and maybe I can get a little more. The man shrugged again, and then he gave her a $5 bill. Twenty-five dollars was the result of a normal day’s begging to the woman, and she was happy and said, “Bless you, sir.” She meant it, and she really did have three children.
Betty and Vicky watched this transaction silently, and they did not approach the man. But they did follow him to his home, which was modest. He was hardly rich, but he was frugal. He had no debt except for a credit card that he paid off each month. In hard economic and social times, a person with a job and no debt is sometimes considered rich—and is rich when compared to people with lots of debt and no job.
Betty asked Vicky, “What do we do? Should we knock on his door and ask him to sleep with one of us?”
Vicky replied, “Will the answer be yes? Isn’t he supposed to be gay?”
“I’m not sure he’s gay. Sometimes, I’ve seen him staring at us, but he’s always been too shy to talk to us.”
“It’s cold out. We don’t have anywhere to stay, and his home looks warm.”
Betty said, “Maybe we can convince him to sleep with both of us and let us stay the night.”
Vicky replied, “Maybe we can convince him to sleep with both of us and let us stay lots of nights. If he’s shy, he may be very happy to have two cute girls like us be interested in him—interested enough to do what most long-time girlfriends do with long-time boyfriends. If he doesn’t want to sleep with us, the most we can get from him is some money and maybe a place to stay one night. But if we can get him to sleep with us, we may have a place to stay as long as we like, assuming that we keep him interested in us. Remember: gay or straight, men like bl*wj*bs. Let me do most of the talking, and you follow my lead. And remember, one or both of us must have sex with him very, very quickly.”