SPIRE Decodable Readers, Set 5B

By Sheila Clark-Edmands, Beth G. Davis, Ellen Javernick, Katherine Scraper & Tammie Lyon

SPIRE Decodable Readers, Set 5B - Sheila Clark-Edmands, Beth G. Davis, Ellen Javernick, Katherine Scraper & Tammie Lyon
  • Release Date: 2013-02-27
  • Genre: Education


S.P.I.R.E.® Level 5 decodable readers are perfect for intermediate readers and those who need practice reading increasingly difficult text. Set 5B includes ten individual fiction and nonfiction titles with skills ranging from r-controlled vowels (or, fork) to soft c and soft g (cent, gym).

Titles in Set 5B: Grace the Dancing Rat; Stage Fright; The Prince and the Gobbler; Sky City; It Pays to Advertise; Rainbows; Hiccups; Alice's Strange Friend; Corny; A Hard Game

The S.P.I.R.E. decodable readers were developed as part of the S.P.I.R.E. reading program, created by Sheila Clark-Edmands, M.S.Ed. S.P.I.R.E. is an intensive, comprehensive, and multisensory reading program with proven results. If your goal is to build reading success, then S.P.I.R.E. books are the perfect choice. Children are motivated to read more and enjoy more reading success because S.P.I.R.E. books are designed for the way early readers and struggling readers learn.

There are 120 books in the S.P.I.R.E. decodable readers series. The content ranges in difficulty from easy-to-read, one-syllable, short-vowel words in Sets 1A and 1B to complex multisyllabic words and advanced sentence structures in Sets 6A and 6B.