Captain Barbarossa: How I Became A Pirate?
By Mohamed Cherif

- Release Date: 2022-10-16
- Genre: General Nonfiction for Young Adults
This is book one from three of the complete autobiography of Pirate Barbarossa or Khaireddine Barbarous who dictated it on his colleague and friend in the sea life the poet and writer Sayed Ali Almuradi. He wrote his autobiography after an order from Sultan Soleiman Alkanuni known as Soleiman The Magnificient.
The human is the son of his environment. What does mean this proverb? That means his environmental circumstances influence directly and indirectly his thoughts and behaviors along with his life. The fifteenth and sixteenth centuries were an extension of the culture of Piracy which had been spread worldwide centuries earlier in the Indian ocean, the Atlantic, and the Mediterranean. Piracy was considered as the standard, the norm, and the normal of that era. It was a source of enrichment for normal people and for countries. It was practiced by countries implicitly, so many pirates worked for the account of empires. Barbarossa and his brother Arruj were not the exceptions, they were raised in this world and atmosphere it wasn't immoral to practice piracy. Something is clear is that they practiced piracy after they were normal traders with their ships and after the imprisonment and the torture of Arruj the Barbarossa's oldest brother by the Rhodes Knights on his way to Tripoli in Lebanon.
Barbarossa, an Italian word meaning the Red Beard. Mostly the Venetians in the fifteenth century who called Khaireddine Basha or Khedher with this name. Barbarossa or Khaireddine was born in Midilli island in 1478, he died in Istanbul in 1546. At an early age, he use the ship as we use in our days the cars and all the transportations mean. With time the sea became really his real home. A normal person can work outside throughout the day and return at the end of the day to his home to take a rest, Barbarossa took this rest in his ship's cabinet in the large of the sea everywhere.
Through this autobiography, Barbarossa talked about all the incidents that he lives, saw, or testified about by himself. The religious context at that time was major in his stories as the adversaries the Ottoman empire in aside the Venice, the Spanish and the Portuguese empires in another side each side represents a religion and his followers the Ottoman empire represents Islam, the Spaniards, the Portuguese and the Venetians represents the Christianity. The use of words like Kaffer or kuffar which means unbelievers or infidels was frequent.
Despite his solid heart as an adventurer in real life not like in Hollywood movies, I found that he has a very sensitive soul when the matter concerns his brother Arruj, his relatives, his men, and the poor that he tried always to help them everywhere.
Barbarossa never talked about his mom, his education, and his Childhood. For example, he didn't mention that his mom was a priest widow before she married his father. He didn't mention that besides the military work of his father he was working on pottery and when they started trading he and his brother Arruj they sold the pottery of their father outside the Midilli island(Lesbos today). He didn't specify that their brother Isaaq preferred administrative work.
Barbarossa and his brother Arruj saved the lives of tens of thousands of Muslims and Jews escaping from the tyranny and the torture of the Spanish Chruch at that time and transferring them to North Africa and Greece in Salonica.
This autobiography reflects all the cultures, values, morals, and behaviors of all people surviving at that time.