A Rebels' War - 47 Personal Accounts of the Confederacy
By Frank H. Alfriend, Jefferson Davis, John Esten Cooke, Robert E. Lee, George Cary Eggleston, James Longstreet, John Singleton Mosby, Edward M. Boykin, Heros von Borcke, John Beauchamp Jones, Arthur Peronneau Ford, Marion Johnstone Ford, Sarah Morgan Dawson, Isaac Hermann, Gilbert Moxley Sorrel, William Watson, Daniel P. Smith, Eliza Frances Andrews, James Carson Elliott, Thomas D. Duncan, David E. Johnston, Francis Warrington Dawson, John A. Sloan, La Salle Corbell Pickett, Henry Lane Stone, Basil Wilson Duke, Fannie A. Beers, Wayland Fuller Dunaway, Rufus H. Peck, Edward Alexander Moore, Raphael Semmes, Cole Younger, William Meade Dame, Caleb Huse, William G. Stevenson, Myrta Lockett Avary, Sara Agnes Rice Pryor, Mary Boykin Chesnut, Carlton McCarthy, Samuel Gibbs French, Richard L. Maury, J. Wilkinson, Luther W. Hopkins, John Porter Fort, John Milton Hubbard, John Call Dalton, James H. Wood & Frank M. Myers

- Release Date: 2024-08-01
- Genre: Biographies & Memoirs
Southerners should be proud of their ancestors who fought with great courage and sacrifice in the Civil War. This anthology is dedicated to the brave solders of the Rebellion. They are scorned in the pages of history books, but each and every one of them deserves our deepest respect and admiration. These courageous young men valiantly defended their homeland, fought bravely, and ultimately gave their lives for the land they were born in. These are not the rich plantation owners and politicians who were looking at their own interest, leaving the fighting and dying to the young and poor. The average soldier had not much more than a grammar-school education, was in the prime of life and never owned a slave or scarcely an acre of land. Still, they were there, marching as one on the battlefield. They were proud of their military achievements and success, as they should be. Their unwavering devotion and loyalty represents the real meaning of patriotism and bravery.
The edition includes memoirs, diaries and testimonies of Confederate soldiers. The anthology includes as well the accounts of civilians in the Southern regions most affected by the conflict, painting a vivid picture of the everyday life and struggles faced by ordinary people caught in the turmoil and unmerciful destruction of war. These writings collectively capture the dichotomy of valor and vulnerability, pride and pain, offering readers a holistic view of Confederate life. Edited by scholars deeply entrenched in Civil War studies, this volume reveals the collective and individual experiences that shaped the Confederate narrative. Readers are invited to immerse themselves in this anthology not just for its historical value but for its ability to foster a deeper understanding of a complex era.