The New Atlantis

By Sir Francis Bacon

The New Atlantis - Sir Francis Bacon
  • Release Date: 2023-05-01
  • Genre: History


The New Atlantis is a utopian work of fiction by Sir Francis Bacon. The story is told by an unnamed narrator who recounts his voyage to the island of Bensalem, a land where scientific knowledge and religious piety coexist in harmony. Bensalem is a society that is centered around scientific research and discovery. The people of Bensalem have a deep reverence for knowledge and devote their lives to the pursuit of scientific inquiry. They have developed advanced technologies, including flying machines and submarines, that are used to explore the mysteries of the natural world. The people of Bensalem also have a strong religious faith, and their scientific pursuits are guided by their belief in a divine creator. They believe that scientific knowledge can bring them closer to God and that their discoveries are a gift from God. The narrator is impressed by the people of Bensalem and their dedication to scientific research and religious piety. He returns to Europe with a new perspective on the relationship between science and religion and a renewed sense of hope for the future. Overall, The New Atlantis is a visionary work that imagines a world where science and religion can coexist in harmony, and where scientific inquiry can be pursued for the betterment of humanity.