Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand
By Samuel R. Delany

- Release Date: 2014-01-07
- Genre: Science Fiction
In this far-future classic, sexual attraction is a science, gender is a whole new construct, and information is both precious and perilous . . .
With a burst of radiation to the brain, an angry young man is transformed into a dim-witted slave—suitable only for the most brutal work. But the tragedy of Rat Korga is the prologue to the story of Marq Dyeth, an “industrial diplomat,” who travels from world to world in this exciting, sprawling future, solving problems that come with the spread of “General Information.” The greatest fear in this future is Cultural Fugue, a critical mass of shared knowledge that can destroy life over the surface of an entire world in hours. In this dizzyingly original novel, information is perilous, but without it a human is only a rat in a cage.
Campbell Award winner Jo Walton described this science fiction landmark as being “like pop rocks for the brain. . . . Things sparkle and explode all over, and it’s not entirely comfortable but it is quite wonderful.” This classic read predicted the Internet and is packed with themes that still resonate today.
This ebook features an illustrated biography of Samuel R. Delany including rare images from his early career.