Women Dress Like Sex, Men Dress Like Money: Everything You Need To Know About Marketing You Learned In Dating
By Bill Harte

- Release Date: 2013-12-16
- Genre: Marketing & Sales
“If I Only Knew Then What I Know Now”
Looking back over their mis-spent youths, many many people see the mistakes in their love lives and wish they could go back and do it again – but with the knowledge they have NOW.
Also, most people, spend most of their time trying to handle the problems of money. Work alone takes up the majority of a persons waking hours.
Those same people are usually startled to discover how similar the worlds of marketing business and marketing love are.
They have no idea how much experience they already have!! And they can use that experience to make a lot more MONEY!
If you can market you can make a lot more money.
Most people don’t think they can market because it isn’t their job.
Totally False!
They just never made the connection. Most people have decades of marketing experience. They just need to see it for what it is.
This is the best business book to read if you want to understand marketing for business or for Love - and have a great time doing it.
It is either a business book that relies on relationships as a platform or it is a relationship book that relies on a business platform.
The one thing we keep hearing over and over though is that it is funny as hell.
Men and women market themselves. Businesses market themselves. The parallels are astounding and hilarious. You may come away from this book with a better marketing strategy for yourself in Love or with something to help you make a lot more money in your business.
You have exposure to some of the most persistent marketing strategies in the world. You probably never noticed, even though it was right beneath your eyes.
Sex and Love have some of the greatest, some of the worst and some of the most tried and true marketing there is. You have seen it, you have used it, you have used it on others. Sometimes well, sometimes sloppily.
In this top business book you will get one of the most fun and informative descriptions of marketing strategy as applied to love and business anywhere.
You will learn about the Slutty Older Sister Consultant, the Dating Committee and what they have to do with word of mouth marketing.
You will learn about the different ways that men and women have used to get what they want out of life. You just didn't think about it as marketing strategy.
Once you see it, you will have no problem relating it to your business and putting to use the most powerful and time honored strategies men and women have used for generations.
This is a hilarious look at love, sex and business. But it is not about putting naked women in your advertising or about how to operate a brothel.
It is about the rock-bottom basics of marketing strategy and how you can apply it to everyday business.