By Christine Caine

- Release Date: 2014-08-26
- Genre: Christianity
Ready or not, you are in the run of your life.
Whether you run like lightning, or crawl at a snail’s pace, God has chosen you to run the race set before you. His word calls to you: “Let us throw off everything that hinders…let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” (Heb 12:1-2)
Not an athlete? Doesn’t matter.
Still warming up? The race has already begun.
Winded and limping? Keep moving forward.
Stumbled or fallen? You have not been disqualified.
Or maybe, while running in perfect stride, you’ve hit daunting obstacles. Do not give up!
Why? Because this isn’t a one-person race. It’s a relay. You are not alone, but are part of a team assembled by God to achieve his purposes. And God is unstoppable.
Fortunately, God has not left you on our own to muddle through the race untrained. His word and his story written into the lives of believers are filled with the wisdom to train you to successfully run the divine relay. Discover how to receive your baton, how to grasp firmly and carry forward all that God entrusts to you—his uncompromising truth, his piercing light, his radical change, his world-transforming love. And be trained in how to release what is no longer yours to carry so that every member of God’s team can press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus.
In Unstoppable, best-selling author, global evangelist, and human- trafficking activist, Christine Caine, mesmerizes us with true stories and eternal principles that equip us to run the race we were born to win, receiving and releasing the baton of faith in sync with our team, the body of Christ. God has plucked us out of eternity, positioned us in time, and given us gifts and talents to serve him in this generation to bring the light of Jesus Christ into a broken world. Our race is now. This is our time in history. We’ve been handed the baton of faith and asked to carry that light and dispel the darkness. If we receive and pass on the baton in the divine relay, we will be unstoppable.
Be blessed with this book
5By luceroespana10This book has completely blessed my life in a season of transition. Moving from Texas to the east coast would've been a lot harder if i hadn't read this book. Thank you God!Fantastic!
5By Timothy HagelandAnother fantastic and inspiring word from Christine Caine. I have appreciated this book and I absolutely recommend it to everyone! Make sure you add this to your library.Just and Awesome Read
5By JackHaldemanThis book will assist you in running your race to the fullest and keep you motivated on you trip.So Impacting!
5By Kristen09This book was inspiring and full of truth. Really appreciate the stories used and the style of writing, as well as how applicable it is to my every day life.